Concrete tiles are best known for their unmatched durability that has been used in houses and buildings since the end of the 19th century. The mixture of cement, sand, and water and their preparation in a specific pressure makes them extremely long lasting. Since concrete tiles have color inlaid in them, they are called encaustic concrete tiles. Concrete tiles are pretty versatile. From homes to offices to dams, they work everywhere due to their strength. They come in the incredible amount of colors, designs, and patterns. You can choose the perfect one according to the requirement of your surroundings. You can find concrete tiles in any color or pattern in our tile store.

Cement tile and Concrete Tile
Many believe that concrete tiles are simply made of cement. However, they are a mixture of multiple ingredients. While the main binding agent is cement, it also includes sand and rocks or crushed stone of different kinds. Different kinds of concrete tiles use different amounts of cement proportion. A right percentage of Portland cement comprises from 10 to 15 percent alkalis, sulfates, and chlorides are what make up the best concrete tiles. Through a process called hydration, a hardening process of cement and water to make concrete gets stronger and continues for years. The strong concrete tiles look like plastic when they are freshly made. However, once they set, they are the hardest and strongest material you’ll ever find.

Concrete Tile Applications
As mentioned before, cement tile, or encaustic concrete tiles, have multiple uses. There is vast cement tile applications means it can be used anywhere in your home or even inside commercial buildings. When it comes to remodeling your home, you could get concrete tiles on floors and walls of any section of the home. The cement floor tiles add a modern touch to the house if used on the floors. They can also be installed outdoors too, in your garage or on the pavement of your garden. You can immensely improve the appearance of your outdoor patios with concrete tile floors. All these purposes can be fulfilled in commercial buildings as well. The long-lasting factor of cement tiles makes it the best option for commercial use. Let’s go with the unlimited benefits of Patterned Concrete Tiles and transform any section of your home into your dream space.

Concrete Tile Photo Gallery & Concrete Tile Design Ideas


Artillo 12×12


Artillo Normandy


Concrete Tile Install 3


Concrete Tile Install 8


Arabesque Pattern 4


Concrete Tile Install 11

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